You will likely need to replace the battery at least once during the life of your car. For maximum battery life, it’s a good idea to take it to a professional for a test every few months.

It’s also good to be aware of how to properly maintain your battery. Here are a few ways to keep your battery in good running condition:

  • Keep your car out of extreme temperatures.
  • Extreme hot and cold temperatures will drastically affect the life of a battery.
  • Unplug accessories when the engine is off.

Be aware of all accessories drawing from the battery when the car is off, and avoid leaving them plugged in when you leave for more than a couple of hours. Unplug the negative battery terminal when putting the car in storage.

Because there is always a slight battery draw when plugged in, you should unplug the negative terminal or remove the battery completely when storing the car for over a month.

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